E-Learning Courses
Learn anywhere, anytime.
We deliver accredited, vocational learning online to train individual learners and organisations.
Digital learning
Learn at your convenience with our online training courses
Many learners are keen to spend less time in the classroom and more time studying independently, at a time and in a place to suit them.
Our courses can be worked through on almost any device (excluding mobile phones) - all you need is an internet connection.
Blended learning
Using e-learning as part of a blended learning programme can mean your learners can achieve a recognised qualification.
Training can also be provided through Microsoft Teams, followed by carrying out the assessment at your place of work or at one of our centre locations.
Delivery and assessment options:
Virtual tutor led course delivery
Online assessment
Classroom assessment - workplace and TT centres
Registered office:
2 Carrick Avenue
North Ayrshire
KA21 6DZ
Tel: 07436 892 959
Email: info@trainingtoolbox.co.uk
Training Toolbox Ltd (Company No. SC711341)